The good things were I'm not late. Hahahah. We had free pandesals. Thanks god 'cause I didn't ate my breakfast 'cause I was late already. My friends had so much pictures taken by me. I was their official photographer. Then, I saw with my two beautiful eyes the famous mud spring. It's amazing.
The bad things happen were we waited for almost an hour before we left the school, we had food that many students rejected it but I was able to finish my food 'cause I was really really hungry at that time.
When we got back in the school, we went so fast at the college library to lay down on the floor because we were all tired and also we were hungry. We went home after we ate. Then, I heard the bad news, Japan had an earthquake and Tsunami.
Well, I don't expect too much. As long as my grade don't fall to 5, I'm happy with it.. Thank you..